下面的姿势都被认为是有效的控制和治疗糖尿病(梵文名称;英语和泰米尔名称在括号内):Dhanurasana(弓姿势,Vilasana),Paschimottanasana(使坐在起重机,Amarntha kokkuasana),Padangusthasana(薪常起重机,Nindra kokkuasana),Bhujangasana(蛇姿势,Paambuasana),Sarvangasana(肩倒立)Ardha - matsyendrasana(脊椎扭曲),Halasana(犁姿势,Kalapoy体位),瑜珈mudrasana(瑜伽符号构成),Supta Vajrasana(坐姿势硬度),Chakrasana(轮构成),Shalabhasana(草蜢姿态,Vittelasana)。
The patient must learn to control and his or her self of diabetes in a holistic manner, at all levels of your being: physical, emotional, mental, intellectual and spiritual, recognizing the effects of stress, emotional imbalance, and dietary and living habits on the disease condition.
Before beginning a program, measure your exercise toleration. Start with simple movements and positions before progressing gradually to complicated postures.
Throughout the program, monitor glucose levels and under the supervision of a physician, and take appropriate medicinal dosages as and when required. After several weeks one may be able to reduce the dosages.
Practice in the morning and the evening for 40 to 60 minutes the recommended series of postures according to ones capacity. Practice before meals, but after consuming glucid liquids.
Perform the movements slowly and smoothly, stretching the limbs and joints, and gently compressing the abdomen, without straining. Maintain the postures for a comfortable length of time. The maintenance period of postures should be increased gradually from 5 seconds to one minute, or even longer depending upon the posture and capacity of the patient. Avoid exertion, that is heavy muscular activity.
Focus on the breath during the maintenance period of the posture, with the eyes closed or focused on one point, as a means of learning to focus the mind and to manage stress and tension in the body.
Perform the Shavasana, or complete peace relax pose on the back, systematically relaxing all of the parts of the body, at the end of the session, or after completing several postures, if one begins to feel fatigued.
The practice of Uddiyana banda, or the abdominal squeeze has also been found to be useful.
Regulate your diet by avoiding simple sugars such as white sugar, honey, glucose and sweets and eating complex carbohydrates such as wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, brown rice and beans. Avoid processed food and eat foods with lots of fibre and nutrients.
Meditation practices have been shown to help the endocrine glands through relaxation of the sympathetic nervous system.
Yoga postures for Diabetes
The following postures have been found to be effective in the control and cure of diabetes (Sanskrit names; the English and Tamil names are in parentheses): Dhanurasana (Bow pose, Vilasana), Paschimottanasana (Sitting crane, Amarntha kokkuasana), Padangusthasana (Standing crane, Nindra kokkuasana), Bhujangasana (Serpent pose, Paambuasana), Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) Ardha-matsyendrasana (Spinal twist), Halasana (Plough pose, Kalapoy asana), Yoga mudrasana (Yogic Symbol pose), Supta Vajrasana (Sitting pose of Firmness), Chakrasana (Wheel pose), Shalabhasana (Grasshopper pose, Vittelasana).
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