Baddha Konasana(卧姿的束缚角)的支持Supta Sukhasana,以及对Parsvottanasana(四面弹姿)面对墙壁直立变化。帮助解除隔膜和胸部,腹部的血液供应增加和减少消化道酸度。
不宜做倒立在急性期的酸度,因为这可能导致头痛和呕吐。然而,当消化系统感觉一点点了,那是很美丽练习肩,因为它的冷却。 (避免倒立在这种时候,但是。这太变暖)对所有的倒在休眠阶段的酸度惯常做法旨在音腹部器官,促进整体健康。
Improve Digestion with yoga
If you frequently suffer from bloating, cramping, and gas after meals, try practicing these poses.
Yoga poses increase blood flow to your digestive tract and stimulate the intestinal action known as peristalsis so digestion is more efficient. Yoga also calms you, which in turn relaxes your digestive system and leads to more effective elimination. Forward bends increase the space in the abdomen and facilitate the release of entrapped gases. These poses heat the front of the body and cool the back body. For vatas, it is important to stay warm.
Practicing these poses daily on an empty stomach will help. Take a few deep breaths before every meal.
Caution: Avoid these poses if you have had a hiatal hernia or abdominal surgery, have abdominal inflammation, a hyperthyroid condition, diarrhea, sciatica, or back problems, or are pregnant or menstruating.
Yoga postures for Improve Digestion
Cobra pose
Bent Elbow Spinal Twist
Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose), Supported Supta Sukhasana, and an upright variation of Parsvottanasana (Side Stretch Pose) facing a wall. help lift the diaphragm and chest, increasing abdominal blood supply and reducing digestive acidity.
When suffering from acidity, avoid poses that compress the abdominal area, especially forward bends such as Uttanasana and Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend). Pressure creates heat, and pittas need to cool their inner fire, not stoke it. Asanas such as Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I), Trikonasana (Triangle), and Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle) lift the diaphragm area and extend the esophagus and the top portion of the stomach. This reduces the reflux of gastric contents, cools the solar plexus, and arrests acidity. Standing poses also increase the blood supply to the abdominal organs and help tone them.
Inversions should not be done during the acute phase of acidity, because they can cause headaches and vomiting. However, when the digestive system feels just a little off, it is fine to practice Shoulderstand, for it's cooling. (Avoid Headstand at such times, however; it's too warming.) A regular practice of all the inversions during the dormant stage of acidity serves to tone the abdominal organs and promote overall health.
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