- ida纳迪:(梵语)又称钱德拉(“月亮”)纳迪,它是在粉红色和向下流动,在身体的左侧结束。这种电流在本质上是女性,是身体和情感能量通道。
- pinga纳迪:也被称为苏里亚(“太阳”)纳迪,它是在蓝色,向上流动,在身体右侧的结局。这种电流在本质上是男性,是智慧的精神能量通道。
- sushumna纳迪:(梵语)的主要神经的电流通过从体会法喜等在该基地的脊柱轮在头顶sahasrara通行证。这是昆达里尼通道。通过瑜伽,昆达里尼能量蛰伏在说谎体会法喜等被唤醒,使每一个站起来,通过这个渠道,向轮sahasrara轮。
The three most important nadis
nadi: (Sanskrit) "Conduit." A nerve fiber or energy channel of the subtle (inner) bodies of man. It is said there are 72,000. These interconnect the chakras. The three main nadis are named ida, pingala and sushumna.
- ida nadi: (Sanskrit) Also known as chandra ("moon") nadi, it is pink in color and flows downward, ending on the left side of the body. This current is feminine in nature and is the channel of physical-emotional energy.
- pinga nadi: Also known as surya ("sun") nadi, it is blue in color and flows upward, ending on the right side of the body. This current is masculine in nature and is the channel of intellectual mental energy.
- sushumna nadi: (Sanskrit) The major nerve current which passes through the spinal column from the muladhara chakra at the base to the sahasrara at the crown of the head. It is the channel of kundalini. Through yoga, the kundalini energy lying dormant in the muladhara is awakened and made to rise up this channel through each chakra to the sahasrara chakra.
See: chakra, kundalini, raja yoga, tantrism.
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