Wednesday, April 25, 2012


我们的好哥们懒的瑜伽芮丞刚刚读沉思;-),笔者曾透露其中的秘密,如何过一个快乐,有意义的和良好的生活和高度启发瑜伽芮丞立即落实建议去大的博客 - 他自己特殊的方式当然。的文章,他读了,解释说,一个快乐而充实的生活的秘诀是生活有一天生活在一个时间。不仅应包括每天的生活,为了做到这一点的10项活动,笔者提供了他的想法。这里是如何芮丞花了一些他的一天,他感到满足后在规定的要求。






因此,我们在这里,在满足日常活动的文章奠定了一半商标芮丞。让我们来总结这篇文章有如此深刻的启发先生芮丞。从本质上讲,一个快乐,有意义和美好生活的秘密,文章说,是住一天的时间。这并不意味着没有规划,它并不是为了迷惑的结果。把钱拿走了,退休基金,参加课程,开始每天的健身程序,启动一个新的博客,肯定做所有这些事情,但不注重结果。相反,只要有关的业务以及你可以生活的每一天的生活。此外,文章继续尝试以下10活动纳入每一天,因为他们会去很长的路要走,在扩大你的精神和个人成长,并确保你真的你的人的潜力最大化。第1部分中,我将和他们在这里的10每日建议列出5 ...




4。花时间是自然的精神路径,可以在1个字描述 - “连接"。一个字描述所有的吠陀,梵歌“,奥义书,圣经,可兰经,密续等连接的最佳方式之一,是与自然密切。希望作者写这个主题的连接的文章,以及这是一个非常有趣和强大的概念:-)。

5。完成你的日常事务:不要拖延,不要拖延,不要拖延到完成需要什么。老谚语是非常明智的。 “一个小洞不补大洞吃苦”,“不要把到明天,今天可以做些什么”。生命,那一刻,给你提供挑战,当你遇到它们,生活打开了。如果他们流连忘返,他们像堵塞,防止你的生活前进。你内心的声音会不断提醒你需要完成什么。听从这个建议,你会惊讶的奖励。

Saturday, April 21, 2012

5 Anti-Aging Herbs

Aging is inevitable they say. Each year that we grow older, our body is bombarded with different changes in all aspects. Physical, mental, psychological, and hormonal changes occur and most of us feel helpless because there is nothing we can do about it. Our muscles start to weaken, our bones become a bit fragile, wrinkles line our faces, our joints creak occasionally and we easily get tired. Mentally, we start to forget where we placed our car keys or where we’re going as soon as we step out of the door. We forget names, birthdays, anniversaries, faces. Hormonal changes may also occur, as a result, our metabolism slows down and we experience menopause and andropause. Aging brings along a lot of changes and just the thought of it could sometimes be scary.

What Causes Premature Aging?

For some people, aging comes along quickly than normal. This may be attributed to the fact that the environment he constantly surrounds himself with can significantly affect the aging process. This is the reason why there are people who do not look like their age. We wonder why he looks 50 when he is only 35 years old. Little did we know that the person is a chain-smoker for the past 15 years and is a chronic alcohol drinker. He stays up late until the wee hours of the morning, only to get up at a very early time to go to the office. His work in the office is very stressful and his relationships with friends and family have been non-existent for the longest time. These are but some of the scenarios that may contribute to premature aging.

And then there is the presence of free radicals – substances that are products of the oxidative process which does the body more harm than good. Free radicals are said to be the culprit of many health conditions: cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and premature aging to name a few. They cause damage to the cells inside the body and could precipitate the growth of cancerous tumors. The effects of free radicals are very much evident in your skin, hair and eyes. Premature aging causes wrinkling of the face, dry, brittle hair and poor vision. You see, free radicals are not good, and we have to find a way to counteract them.

How to Counteract Premature Aging

The good news is that there is a very effective way to counteract premature aging. One word should immediately come into your mind: Antioxidants. These are substances that fight the battle with free radicals in order to neutralize them and minimize their effects on the body. Antioxidants are the by-word these days, with almost all products claiming that theirs have high antioxidant activity. But is there a truth to all these claims? How sure are we that what they are selling are authentic, safe and effective? It always pays to be careful. Be extra mindful of what you are buying, especially because synthetic products carry with them the risk of side effects and adverse effects. In order for you to be a hundred percent sure, go natural.

Herbs found right in your garden can be utilized to promote health. Here are five of the best anti-aging herbs there is:


Ginkgo Biloba, or simply Ginkgo, is one of the most popular herbs in the market today. It has been known to improve blood circulation going to the brain and because of this effect, the regular use of ginkgo can help with problems association with brain functions such as memory. A common complaint of aging individuals is a lapse or a gap in memory, and studies have shown that regular ginkgo intake can actually help improve a person’s memory and repair damaged nerve tissues. Plus, it also exerts a protective effect on the brain cells, allowing it to function very well.

Gotu Kola

Aside from Ginkgo, another alternative anti-aging herb that helps to improve the health of the brain is Gotu Kola. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for hundreds of years already and studies have been conducted supporting health claims that Gotu Kola can indeed help improve a person’s memory. Gotu Kola is considered as a rejuvenating herb which helps to increase the mental capacity and mental ability of the person and also improve his behavioral patterns. For those undergoing menopause, this herb also helps relieve anxiety, alleviate fatigue and ease depression. In order to fully appreciate the effects of Gotu Kola, taking 600 mg of dried powdered Gotu Kola leaves thrice a day should be maintained.


Also used as a spice for cooking, turmeric has a lot of benefits, not only in adding flavor and heat to our food, but it also does wonders to a body that is undergoing the aging process. The active ingredient found in turmeric is curcumin and it boasts of certain properties that work against inflammation. This is especially useful for aging people suffering from the painful effects of inflamed joints. It also improves the health of the brain and has been known to help prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Along with milk thistle, turmeric also keeps the liver healthy. You may dry and grind turmeric and take 1 gram each day for better health.


Garlic has been known for its antiviral and antibacterial properties. An added plus is its ability to help lower high blood pressure levels, lower levels of bad cholesterol known as the LDL, and at the same time prevent the occurrence of blood clots. Blood clots are dangerous because they may dislodge, travel through the blood stream and lodge on small arteries such as those of the heart, causing a heart attack, or in the arteries of the brain, causing a stroke. Garlic is good for the heart and we all need a healthy heart as we age.

A very potent anti-aging herb, ginger boasts of anti-inflammatory properties that can help lessen the pain of arthritis sufferers. It is also known for its ability to help in the digestive processes and help in boosting the function of the immune system, helping the person to become less susceptible to illnesses.



是什么原因导致早衰?对于一些人来说,老龄化到来迅速比正常。这可以归因于环境,他不断地围绕着自己,可以显着影响衰老过程的事实。这是为什么有些人并不像他们的年龄的原因。我们不知道为什么他看上去50时,他是年仅35岁。我们一点也不知道该人是在过去的15年的链吸烟是一种慢性酒精酒量。他熬夜,直到早上凌晨,只有在非常早的时间去办公室。他在办公室的工作是非常紧张,他与朋友和家人之间的关系已经不存在时间最长的。这些只是一些情况下,可能导致早衰。再有就是自由基的存在 - 物质产品的氧化过程,身体弊大于利。自由基被认为是许多健康状况的罪魁祸首:癌症,心血管疾病,糖尿病,过早衰老等等。他们身体内的细胞造成损害,并可能引发癌肿瘤的生长。自由基的作用是非常明显的皮肤,头发和眼睛。过早老化,导致皱纹的脸,干燥,发脆,视力不良。你看,自由基是不好的,我们必须找到一种方法来对付他们。






Sunday, April 15, 2012

Practicing Hatha Yoga For a Better Life

The origins of Hatha Yoga go back to as early as 15th century. It started in India as an exercise to purify the body along with the mind. Hatha Yoga is based on a principle that a strong balance has to be achieved among mental, emotional, physical and spiritual states. Basically, it emphasizes that these states should be in harmony with sun, moon, earth and water.
The key aspects on which Hatha Yoga is based are listed below:
- Prayanamas – the focus controls the energy levels, a crucial element of Hatha Yoga.
- Asana – is about various postures that are in a way similar to the poses of Tai Chi.
- Chakras – are the energy centers.
- Mudras – are symbols similar to the ones used in Tai Chi.
- Shakti – a strong, sacred force.
- Nadis – are the channels.
Asanas, which are also referred to as “sun signs”, are comprised of movements that are practiced and performed, with the emphasis on focus and concentration, so the practitioner can get the most out of it.
Since Hath Yoga practitioners use the asanas consistently in their practice, they tend to find a new sense of strength and a high level of physical balance.
One can derive a number of benefits from Hatha Yoga, including an improvement in the overall health and sense of being complete. When the body and the mind are at ease and balanced through the practice of Hatha Yoga, a feeling of wholeness arises from within, bringing an individual to peace with himself, resulting in lower levels of stress.
Meditation also happens to be one of the earliest forms of self-realization. Looking deep within our subconscious we can uncover vast amounts of knowledge and inspiring ideas, which are often wiped away by the conscious mind.
The solution to this is to bring the mind to state of calmness and appropriately posture your body to achieve the best results. This is what Hatha Yoga preaches and teaches, and this is what forms the core of the whole exercise.

Friday, April 13, 2012



最近有人越过我。他们轻视我,放我下来,并袭击了我。(它也觉得像一个在攻击的时候,虽然我没有承认后有点低,反正较敏感,而经前的心理位)......我的反应。这是这里的关键单词的反应。燃用防守愤怒,充满激情,我攻击,我抨击我的蝎子螫蜇人的权利的要害 - 自我!


你对自己的行为负责,你不能责怪别人。如果有人伤害或攻击你,你会生气 - 你选择的愤怒。如果你发泄愤怒,你是选择。然后,愤怒成为你的一部分,它成为你选择的颜色穿那一天。

当这些情况发生在我的生命,我解剖。我砍他们成小块,并尝试拼命努力使他们感。我一直令人难以置信的自我反射,需要从学习,因为它出现的每一种情况。我说明了情况,我的妈妈,在星座方面,它给我解释。她告诉我,我有很多的个人行星在天蝎,这也解释了在我的尾巴蜇。火星在天蝎座,特别是受影响,因为它决定了你如何争取。如果有人攻击我,那么我自然本能反击,当我做它的毒液是。我也有冥王星在我的中期天堂,这使得我坚持我的立场,我不害怕为自己辩护。我也有这让我的舌头快速的射手座上升 - 但是,我倾向于冲动发言后认为。这也让我喷的话说出来,而不是悄悄地,并明确说出来,尤其是如果我觉得我已经不公平的对待。


昨天我读我的精神经文(不断努力提高自己)和Easwaran Eknath一些更多的光线洒在我的教训。


所以这是我的教训,我从我到你的礼物。了解如何行动还没有反应过来。学习如何忍住一个粗鲁的话,即使你正在侮辱,放下,攻击或贬低。你必须学会​​认为“噢,不 - 我不想说谎醒在晚上感到懊悔和遗憾我的话。 easwaran说空调逆转,最终会走这么远,如果有人说或做一些对你不客气,你会立刻感到对不起的那个人(而不是为自己)。这是我的新目标,绝对值得努力实现的东西。
此规则也属于非暴力的道德原则 - 非伤害。这是选择你的反应如何,不伤害别人,但也以不伤害自己和别人的话。



Tuesday, April 10, 2012



许多人寻求外兴奋剂和寻找快乐的活动,有些是健康的,有些则不是。当人看,以酒精,药物和其他不健康的活动,释放压力,它从来没有结果找到一个真正的生活知足。锻炼,志愿服务,与朋友交往,往往是健康的方式来释放压力,寻找快乐。虽然毒品和酒精更像是一个绷带,覆盖痛苦 - 很短的时间锻炼,朋友,和志愿服务是更积极的活动,而在内心的满足与和平的结果。









How Positive is Your Body Image? / 正是你的身体形象如何?

Body image affects how you feel about yourself, how you project yourself, and how you care for your own health. Answer the following questions to find out where your body image stands now--and how you can improve it.
身体形象会影响你如何对自己的感觉,你如何预测自己,以及如何关心自己的健康。回答下列问题,以找出你的身体形象代表 - 以及如何可以提高它。

1 When I look in the mirror, I:
1 当我在照镜子时,我:

Like what I see ("flaws" and all).
Would like what I see if I could just lose weight, firm up, or get rid of these stretch marks.
Avoid looking at myself, because I know I look terrible.
2 In my mind, the definition of a healthy weight is:
2 在我的脑海里,健康体重的定义是:

Somewhere within the healthy range of a healthy body mass index.
A specific number, which happens to correspond with fitting into a certain size.
Whatever I weigh when I’m living a reasonable life.

3 When I flip through beauty magazines, I:
3 当我翻阅美容杂志,我:

Compare myself to the models and feel bad because I don’t measure up.
Remind myself that it’s all airbrushing, lighting and make-up, and I know that no one really looks like that.

4 In my mind, a "perfect" body is one that:
4 在我的脑海里,“完美”的身体是一个:

Is free of excess weight, cellulite, stretch marks, wrinkles, and scars.
Allows me to live a healthy and satisfying life.

5 True or False: I believe that others would like me more if I looked differently.
5 True或False:我相信别人会更喜欢我,如果我看了不同。



6  I exercise primarily because:
6 我锻炼,主要是因为:

I’m trying to burn calories, manage my weight and/or change my appearance.
It makes me feel more energetic, stronger, healthier and/or happier.

7  I spend the majority of my emotional energy on:
7 我花了我的情绪能量大部分:

Enjoying family, friends, work/school, hobbies and life.
Longing for and pursuing the perfect body.

8 Most of the time, I eat when I’m _______.
8 大部分时间,我吃的时候,我______。

Bored, depressed, lonely, stressed and/or worried

9 Most of the time, I stop eating when I'm _____.
9 大部分时间,我停止进食时,我很______。

Uncomfortably full
Sick and overwhelmed with guilt about what I ate

10 When I'm invited to go swimming, I:
10 当我应邀去游泳,我:

Immediately decline--there's no way anyone is seeing me in a bathing suit.
立即下降 - 没有办法,有人看到我在游泳衣。
Hesitate, feeling nervous about being seen in a bathing suit.
Accept and start planning for the pool party!

11 When I realize I no longer fit into my jeans, I:

Chide myself, then resolve to make healthier choices.
Take inventory of my lifestyle to determine whether I've been making reasonable choices lately.
Immediately start a strict diet and exercise program.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Law of Attraction

1st Step to Law Of Attraction by Master Surjit Singh
Date : 12 & 13 May 2012
Location : Bayu Beach Resort 71050 Port Dickson, Malaysia
FEES: 2 day 1 night : RM 700
Early Bird : RM630 - payment by 28th April 2012

Struggling ? Transform Your Life !

Overcome the problems and hurdles in your family , marriage , relationships , health , finances , work and studies.

Harness and master your thoughts, feeling and bodies for dramatic turnarounds. Proven methods, proven success. NOT NLP, NOT hypnotism.

Anybody from 18 years up Men, Woman and Youths. People have overcome poor concentration, low self-esteem, fears and phobis, marital discord, unemployment..... and more.

Master Surjit Singh Khalsa is a qualifed Hatha Yoga instrutor with a Diploma in Yoga incorporating Anatomy and Physiology. As well as Yoga Teachers Diploma Course from Complementary Health Education Limited in England. He has spent many years working on developing and understanding the nature of self worth issues and connecting with our higher selves. He is also a certified Law of Attraction Coach.

What is Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is a philosophy of life which is based on common sense, and is supported by plenty of scientific data. The most popular and obvious expression of the Law of Attraction is the concept of “like attracts like”.

Science is familiar with the expression of “like molecules tend to attract”. What “makes” like molecules attract? And why the Law of Attraction say that “like energy attracts?” Scientific data showed that all matter is actually composed entirely of energy. It states that matter and energy are just two different states of the same thing.

Why does the Law of Attraction say that “like energy attracts?”.

The Law of Attraction postulates that “attraction’ is the means by which the universe organizes itself. It is nature’s way of creating and expanding the universe.

The Law of Attraction is a way of understanding nature’s fundamental laws, and using this knowledge to create our life any way we want. The Law of Attraction says that we are completely responsible for the content of our lives, and that we create our circumstances (rich, poor, healthy, sick, etc) based on our deepest held thoughts and beliefs, both of which, of course, also have a frequency, just like all other energy.

At first glance, the ideas of the Law of Attraction can sound unbelievable, but on reflection it’s easy to see how they tie with our common-sense experience of the world around us. If we consistently have thoughts and deeply held beliefs of being poor, for example, The Law of Attraction maintains that we will create only lack and limitation in our lives. More simply put, we can’t become rich if our thinking is poor. The Law of Attraction shows us that nature simply doesn’t work that way.

Here is a question you may consider : “Do extremely wealthy people have an attitude of abundance and prosperity BECAUSE they are rich – or are they rich BECAUSE they have an attitude of abundance and prosperity? The Law of Attraction say that the second choice is always correct.

Law of Attraction and Energy

If you place you hand under the magnification power on a  microscope, what would you see? You would see cells that make up your tissues. Magnify further and you would see the various molecules that make up each cell. For example, there would be water molecules, oxygen molecules, carbon molecules, and so on. Whatever part of your body you look at is made up of molecules. Molecules themselves are made up of atoms. All atoms are made up of subatomic particles such as electrons and protons. And electrons and protons and all subatomic particles are actually energy! A proton is an energy packet.

Do you see that? The same hand that you see as a solid object when you observe it with your bare eyes is the same hand that looks like a  cluster of energy packets when you observe it at a suitable maginification. It is the same thing! You are a cluster of energy, and so is everything else.

This cluster of energy is always in motion, moving and changing to form new configuration at every moment. That table that is in your dining room is not as solid as it appears to be. On a highly magnified level, you would realize that it is in constant flux, ‘losing’ and ‘gaining’ billions of energy packets.,  but intelligently maintaining the overall ‘look’ of  a table.

There are 2 properties of energy. The properties are

Energy is called “the law of conservation of energy” – energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Eventhough energy is capable of changing forms, it can never be destroyed.

Energy vibrates at a certain frequency – energy vibrating at a certain frequency will produce a metal (lets say iron, for example), but energy vibrating at a different frequency will produce oxygen, wood, or even a human thought.

Quantum of Law of Attraction

We are like a computer and that the junk we have put in is what comes back out when we navigate our life. The programming we currently have at the quantum level is what dictates every single aspect of our life. Our current programming will keep us exactly where we are.

Most of the decisions we make and the feelings we have are based upon quantum levels of  programming that have happened to us over the many years of living and learning and experiencing. All of our current decisions and choices are made not with our conscious mind as much as with quantum levels of emotional, psychological, and spiritual programming.

We have spent years bombarding our cells and our entire body with specific emotional chemicals. Our bodies have become addicted to these emotional chemicals and always influence our decisions. In psychological level ,we have been bombarded ourselves with beliefs, opinions, ideas, concepts, and a million other pieces of information on how and what we should think. These quantum levels and mental wirings influence every single decision and choice we make as well.

The good news is that the only way to get real results is with the law of attraction. We must overcome and change our current programming and quantum level addictions. If we don’t, we are doomed to continue to make the same decisions that sustain the same beliefs, opinions, ideas, perceptions and emotional addictions. Create new perceptions, new addictions, and make them serve us, and we will be amazed at what we will accomplish.

Attraction varies from person to person. Our wants, needs and desires all are different but are focused on consciously or subconsciously with the same intensity. The only difference for each of us is what we are drawing to ourselves. Good or bad, meaningful or not, it is all our own creation. Our creation, though, when manifested might not be what we thought it would be. You might think you want one thing, but based on your OWN creation you might see that all your energy and thoughts were focus on something entirely different.

Importance of  Law of Attraction

·         Identify one’s actual goals and dreams and to be in harmony with them

·         Learning to stay focused on what we truly want, from the beginning till the end

·         Help clearing off doubts and obstacles along the road to success

·         Learning how to attract abundance of wealth, health, happiness etc

·         Develop high self confidence and trust

·         Becoming more in control of our own lives. (instead of being under control)

·         Discover our true self and learning how to accept and love ourselves

·         Strengthen our perseverance and determination in acting out our life plans

·         Increasing our creativity and imagination

·         Enhancing professionalism in executing job responsibilities

·         Develop positive thinking and attitudes towards every part of life

Tuesday, April 3, 2012





