Friday, March 30, 2012

DETOX CAMP 2~3 June 2012

"OPEN NOW" DETOX CAMP   2~3 June 2012


We have a gift for early registration Before 15th-April'2012 

Fee:RM560 ( 2Day 1Night )
Date:2th-3th June' 2012 SAT/SUNDAY (2-3/6/2012)
Location: 【Clearwater Sanctuary Golf  Resort】
Lot 6019, Jalan Changkat Larang, 31000   Batu Gajah, Perak  31000。

Yoga Teacher Profile:
SWEE SENG in Malaysia, experience and certified Hatha Yoga College of India, Deepak Kumar (India).
Swee Seng teach yoga studio at - Light yoga studio (Cheras Indah), My fitness (Sri Petaling), Affic Bank Holdings BHD (Kuala Lumpur), J-dance (S Park), 72 Yoga studio (Kuchai), Living yoga center (Wangsa Maju) Mary SIA performing Arts Center (Kepong) Yoga at ZEA (PJ) & Attic (Jenjarom).

Swee Seng yoga professional:
Therapeutic yoga, Yin and Yang yoga, Kundalini yoga, Hatha Kriya yoga, Healing yoga & Water yoga 

Teaching of yoga therapy camp for two days:
1. Correct breathing is
2. Meditation (meditation)
3. Body self-healing method yoga (deep relaxation)
4. Body and soul (thinking and meditation)
5 Treatment yoga
6. Detox Yoga
7. Psychological, menopause treatment yoga
生活营费包括 / Camp Activities :
描述 Description: 
瑜伽 Yoga  
营养辅助品提供 Nutrition Supplement  
有机食疗 Organic Health Diet Recipes 
生机食疗烹饪教导 Health  Food Cooking Instruct   
心灵游戏 Spirit Game  
腹部排毒  Abdomen Detox Therapy 
营养健康教育 Nutrition Study  
医疗 TCM  Science  
经络运动调理养生法 Meridian sports conditioning
罐疗医疗调理 Cupping Therapy  

学员必备便品/ Things to bring :
“ YOGA Mat ”
1.水瓶。(Water Bottle x 2)
2.球鞋。Sport Shoes
4.束发头布。Head band

学员注意/ Pre-Camp Preparation:
来断食营前两天, 请吃大量水果蔬菜与流质食物
避免摄取:咖啡, 酒, 肉类, 淀粉类, 刺激食物
Eat more vege and fruits 2 days before coming to camp. 
Avoid Coffee, Meat & Carbohydrate

CONTACT US 询问处 :联系电话
016 237 2433
瑞成是来自马来西亚,经验和认证的哈达瑜伽学院印度 Deepak Kumar (印度)。

任教瑜伽工作室(蕉赖英达),My fitness(斯里八打灵),Affic银行控股有限公司(吉隆坡),J dance(S Park),72瑜伽工作室(Kuchai),生活瑜伽工作室(旺沙马珠), 谢玲玲歌舞台风才艺学院(甲洞),  Yoga at Zea(PJ)& 舞蹈阁楼(Jenjarom)。

治疗瑜伽,阴阳瑜伽,昆达利尼瑜伽,哈达克里亚瑜珈,瑜珈疗法 & 水中瑜伽。



At The BMC  Menopause  we know that you need somewhere to turn to for support, advice and treatment when suffering menopausal symptoms. we provide a woman-centred service for women going through the menopause transition, offering support, guidance, information and treatment tailored to the individual woman’s needs. we know that each woman’s experience of the menopause is different and management of symptoms therefore needs to be considered on an individual basis.

  If you feel that you are suffering symptoms and would like to discuss your concerns, we can arrange an initial consultation at a time convenient to you to assess your condition.  A specialist consultant, experienced in menopause, will discuss your symptoms, take a medical history and talk through any proposed treatment. Not everyone needs medication, but many women do benefit from therapy. There is much emphasis on an holistic approach to difficulties in this critical phase of a woman’s life

Women who can benefit from MENOPAUSE

- Women wishing to consider taking their HRT in the form of implants, where the GP may be unable to offer this service.
- Women whose menopausal symptoms have failed to respond to to conventional HRT .
- Women who may have contra-indications to conventional oestrogen therapy.
- Women wishing to explore the treatment of menopausal symptoms without oestrogen.
- Women with libido problems, not responding oestrogen therapy.
- Women uncertain about the benefits and dangers of hormone replacement therapy.
- Any peri-menopausal woman seeking information and advice on matters relating to the menopause or to well-woman assessment. This may include problems with anxiety, lack of confidence, concern over the aging process, lack of concentration, poor memory etc.

The aim is to individualise the service to the needs of each women. In general the following may be included:


1 A full assessment of symptoms,
2 a breast and
3 gynaecological examination and
4 blood pressure measurement.
5 Blood tests
6 which may include hormone analysis, blood lipids (including cholesterol), liver function and thyroid function.
7 Mammography
8 Bone densitometry
9 Pelvic ultrasound scan, examining the ovaries and the lining of the womb

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


因为压力是无处不在,我们必须学会如何去应对它。的压力是有,但你选择做什么将决定如何以及你的一天将要转出,或将是多么糟糕的情况。的人选择以应对每天都在健康地讲,是健康的内部和外部。压力可以吸你的生活,如果你允许它。请记住,这并不只影响你的生活的一个方面 - 应力可能会导致生理,心理和社会的恶化,如果你屈服于它。它会降低你的免疫系统,损害心脏,它可以提高你的血压水平,它可以剥夺你的睡眠和食物,它可以使你变得焦虑,你可能会沮丧,你会在美丽的所有事情的兴趣。从长远来看,你可能会忽略你的个人卫生,家庭和朋友,都因为你还没有学会如何应对。
如果你在早上的绿茶开始,你可能想结束你的一天,与薄荷茶,你放松。薄荷茶具有松弛特性。它的薄荷叶有一个美丽的香气,可以帮助你的头脑放松,平息心中的压力和舒缓。压力也可能导致胃部不适 - 薄荷茶,还可以帮助你处理。

辅酶 CoEnzyme Q10



今天的世界是令人难以置信的快节奏,并抢在这去的东西,它是太容易。但你是否知道,食用某些食物可以提高你的情绪,并增加5 - 羟色胺(快乐激素)的生产与促进长远的幸福,同时保持你充分吗?

特别关注,多项研究已开展了健康的情绪的食物连接在美国政府的国家机构。由约Dr. Joseph Hibbein领导,临床试验表明有可能是缺乏欧米加3和暴力或反社会的行为和精神疾病之间的密切联系。
2。铬 - 舒缓的血糖水平,让他们(和你的心情)平衡,它已被证明对非典型抑郁症患者有显着的影响。发现这片神奇的矿物可以在全谷类,蘑菇,肝脏和马铃薯。
3。欧米伽3 - 鲑鱼,金枪鱼和鲱鱼的欧米加3的精彩。地上的核桃和亚麻籽(亚麻籽油)是最容易吸收的素食选项;简单地洒在沙拉,汤,甚至谷物!
4。色氨酸 - 羟色胺的最好的朋友是一种氨基酸,体内需要产生我们的快乐激素。制作下列色氨酸爆破食物你最好的朋友:绿豆,龙虾,火鸡,芦笋,葵花籽,干酪,菠萝,豆腐,菠菜,香蕉等。

Saturday, March 24, 2012




这里会列举出一些体式。这些体式并不需要全部都练习,练习者可以选择自己喜欢的姿势进行练习,每种姿势最好能坚持30个呼吸左右。推荐前屈伸展的姿势和倒立的姿势,效果最好。 这些体式的共同特点是练习者的前额被挤压和伸展,向眼球靠拢,会很好的放松神经系统,镇静大脑。
Standing Forward Bend(站立前屈式) 

Wide-Legged Forward Bend(双角式) 

Downward-Facing Dog(下犬式) 

Head-to-Knee Forward Bend(头碰膝扭转前曲伸展坐式) 

如 果还想进一步放松,可以联系仰卧束角式,卧英雄式,桥式和肩倒立式。尤其是肩倒立式,如果在睡前做肩倒立式,会让你迅速进入睡眠状 态。在白天同样可以做肩倒立,它可以补充睡眠。 
Reclining Bound Angle Pose(仰卧束角式) 

Reclining Hero Pose(卧英雄式) 

Bridge Pose(桥式) 

Supported Shoulderstand(肩倒立式) 

补 充体势:头倒立式,犁式和靠墙倒箭式都可以很好的帮助睡眠。如果因为内分泌失调引起的失眠,这几个姿势和身体前屈的姿势会非常有效。 
Supported Headstand(头倒立式) 

Plow Pose(犁 式) 

Legs-up-the-Wall Pose(靠墙倒箭式) 

最 后,也是最最重要的一个姿势,就是挺尸式。一般在所有的体势完成之后去做挺尸式。在这个体势的过程中练习者可以完全清 空自己的大脑,使之放松。因为有了其他体势的支持,清空大脑会变得较为简单,否则相当困难。失眠的人练习挺尸式相对容易得多,因 为睡眠较好的人通常会在练习这个姿势的时候直接睡过去…… 
Corpse Pose(挺尸式) 


2 酸奶
3 斑豆
4 西兰花
父母鼓励自己的孩子吃西兰花,因为它被认为最有营养的食品之一。他们是完全正确的。西兰花每杯的营养最。只含有30卡路里的热量,西兰花占地面积135.2%和115.5%,维生素K DV每天维生素C的需求。维生素K是维持骨骼的强度,宇航员吃了大量的原因是必不可少的。在西兰花的维生素C有助于修复软骨,骨骼和牙齿组织。维生素C促进骨骼的生长。西兰花还含有丰富的铁和钙的金额越来越强健骨骼和牙齿的必要。事实上,那些患有骨质疏松症,应在他们的饮食,包括西兰花,骨组织的修复和维护。
5 沙丁鱼
至少有3.2盎司。的沙丁鱼已经可以提供每日维生素D的沙丁鱼价值最好吃新鲜的。然而,鱼是非常容易腐烂,它主要是在罐中发现,要享受。尽管其准备,沙丁鱼仍拥有高维生素D的含量,促进骨骼和牙齿的健康是有益的。维生素D是在我们的身体非常重要,因为它有助于加强骨骼和牙齿中的钙吸收。除此之外,沙丁鱼还含有磷。可以接收近30%的磷每日价值从91克沙丁鱼。磷是加强骨基质的关键。最后,维生素B12在沙丁鱼丰富。据研究,骨密度低的人实际上是在缺乏维生素B12。塔夫茨大学的梅耶让美国农业部人类营养研究中心的科学家对衰老的建议,实现每天维生素B12 2.4微克,可以帮助恢复和保持骨密度。
6 菠菜
7 金枪鱼

Friday, March 23, 2012

5 ways to Manage your spring Allergies

Spring has always been so poetic. Unfortunately, for many it is a time where their suffering peaks with all that pollen in the air.

Most of us have knocked our heads out in trying to find that elusive panacea for spring allergies.

So, is a solution there? Hmm... not exactly, but a lot of things you can do to reduce its impact upon you.

Caveat: These solutions may be cumbersome in some way as they are challenging to your senses and require some discipline. It's also true that - pampered as we are - we may not have the perseverance to work on it consistently. But what the hell, I'm going to share these with you anyway..

Cut that sugar to ZERO
That's right ZERO. No sugar in your tea; no sweetened foods (whether artificial or natural) or beverages. Cut that sugar out and you will see the intensity of your symptoms reduce. Maybe not immediately, but in a day or two.

Say NO to Coffee, Alcohol
Who knows whether it's the caffeine or something else. But coffee is certainly not sinus or throat friendly. The sooner you realize that, the better for your sinus & throat allergies. Instead, take several cups of Green tea during the day (without milk or sugar).

Cut down on RAW food
Yep... no salads, no fruits in raw form. If you must, have them steamed or boiled

No fried foods or dairy products or nuts
Avoid, milk, butter, oils, fats (including nuts) and even refined doughs. These are mucus forming and would make the symptoms worse. There is an EXCEPTION which brings us to the next point.

Drink Turmeric Milk
Turmeric contains curcumin - a very good "natural" antibiotic and healer. See if you can get the whole turmeric root from your grocers or else opt for the ground turmeric powder. Chop a quarter of an inch into small pieces (or 1/2 teaspoon of ground turmeric powder) and add to your milk. Boil and consume.

Use the Neti Pot
Using the Neti Pot almost always has great results for Spring Allergies. We know this because the demand for our Stelo Kleen always peaks in Spring. So long as you don't have clogged sinuses, neti will greatly relieve your symptoms.

The trick lies in managing your allergies by minimizing the suffering while the spell lasts. These guidelines should help you ride out the storm without resorting to medications.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lymphatic drainage massage

Human health, the greatest threat is derived from the toxin. The health of one of the secrets is to understand the function of the lymphatic system to remove toxins from the body, and know what can be done to promote their activities. 
Unless your body is ruled out toxins and restore the good condition, otherwise you sick. 

A healthy human body there are about ten billion lymphocyte activity, lymphocyte divided into T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. Both are from the bone marrow, but T cells in the thymus, its main function is swallowed alien invasion thing.The most important functions of B cells is the production of a variety of antibodies, like the team inside the weapon, so we can fend off the invaders. 

Whole body set up with two sets of loop pipeline, set to run the blood vasculature; another is the circulation of the lymphatic vessels of the lymph, it is not only a tight organizational structure, as well as unique features, and the blood circulation. side by side to maintain human health. However, people tend to attach importance to the former while ignoring the latter, this is a great pity, because the lymphatic system is a competent immune system to maintain human health and function of the core, it is simple and basic prerequisite for ensuring good health. 

The lymphatic system is composed by some of the liquid, organs, nodules and nodules, pipes, glands and vascular and lymphatic flow of lymph, lymph able to recover and transport in vitro invasion of the toxins produced by the material and cell. Breakpoint tube by the lymphatic system called lymph nodes, large and small number of guards millions of lymph nodes in vivo channel, blocking the invasion of harmful substances. If the body's lymphatic straightened and connected with the length of over 160,000 km, 4 laps around the earth. In addition to cartilage, nails and hair, our whole body is immersed in the lymph. It is like a big net, encompassing all of the body. Lymphatic circulation so that toxins have ample opportunity and a powerful body detoxification cell surface contact, such as macrophages and lymphocytes. More than 99% of the soluble toxins and metabolic waste to clear the lymphatic system. 
So, we said: if the drug accumulation is the source of pathogenic construction of the exclusion of that drug is a healthy starting point. 

Lymphatic massage wonders: 
Lymph accounted for 16% of body weight, by massage, the body flow freely, purify the body of toxins and other dirt, lymphatic massage, also known as lymphatic scavenger, has been widely used in contemporary medical profession. 

The main effect of the lymphatic massage as follows: 
(A) to prevent and relieve a variety of diseases: the toxins produced by human metabolism is a major factor in disease, lymphatic system can break down these toxins before they cause harm will be excreted. If you can keep the lymphatic massage toxin accumulation rate does not exceed the speed of detoxification, we can guarantee you will be able to prevent the breeding of disease. 

(B) improve your mood: the stagnant lymph will make people unhappy, lymph flow smoothly, the body will relax, emotions will follow relaxed. 

(C) the cosmetic effect: the human body to maintain homeostasis and constancy of the function, if the good state of lymph flow, volume and location will be fixed, the body becomes beautiful beautiful. Lymphatic massage, facial lines and body lines become markedly slender, the fullness of the site is also filled out. In addition, if the lymph can flow freely circulation, body temperature will rise, and thus there will be two kinds of beautiful and useful results: a good metabolic state, easy weight-loss. Degree rise in body temperature, basal metabolism is increased by 13%, basal metabolic increase will increase calorie consumption, and enhance weight loss. The second is the balance of hormone secretion, so beautiful and elastic skin, remove rough skin and fine wrinkles, and skin looks like there will be a sense of transparency, beautiful and significant effect.If you know of lymphatic massage, lymph flow more smoothly, more beautiful, you have grasped the beautiful skills. 

What people do this conditioning: 
Shoulder pain Shoulder. Pain 
Could not sleep for a long time sleepy: a long time can not sleep 
Often insomnia sleepy: insomnia often people 
Headache headache 
Uneven skin Uneven skin tone 
Eyes to see things vague Eyes see things on Vague 
Stuffy nose for nasal congestion 
Pressure Pressure 
Lymphoid tumor lymphoma 
Breast cancer Breast cancer 
Often cold with fever usually cold with fever 

Conditioning improved symptoms Improvement in symptoms after conditioning 
Human metabolism, often lymph node blockage like, angry, lymph particles and lymph accumulation of toxins. The conditioning of lymphatic drainage for the first time, the first and second usually have symptoms of lymphatic minor pain and swelling. 

The personal is a very sophisticated plant organs closely with each other conveyor and detoxification operation Detoxification of the body when we do not interfere with it, to be healthy to health care! As long as we do not interfere with it, we want to learn to help it, do not wait until the illness is coming to know the importance of health care! Then "You certainly have to pay ten times the price.  

Understanding of the breast lymphatic system Understanding of the breast lymphatic system 
In addition to the composition of the glands, ducts, adipose tissue and fibrous tissue, the breast also distributed rich in blood vessels, lymphatic and nervous
Play a role in nutrition of the breast and to maintain metabolism, and the responsibility to the exclusion of bacteria, foreign bodies, task.
When it defense mission failure, it means the beginning of the patient.
Cancer cells most easily assembled for the breast, axillary lymph nodes and internal mammary lymph nodes.
It is also important parts of our "self-examination". Summary of the foregoing, the women must understand that: 

1, do not wear a tight bra (try not to wear a wire off), blood, lymphatic system and smooth. 
2, do not buy the toxic, non-skin-friendly bra to avoid increasing the burden on the lymphatic system, reduce or eliminate the prevalence of external factors.
3, more chest movement, promote internal circulation.
4, the emergence of breast hyperplasia, breast belongs to the fortress on the liver through the line route, once the "poison" in the liver by
Hyperplasia of mammary glands to produce immediately, especially in the blood about to be discharged due to the blood of Chong Sheng became obvious pain.

Lymphatic massage attention to the point: 
A seriously ill patients of cancer, immune system diseases, excessive fatigue, fever, injury, early pregnancy is not suitable for lymphatic massage. Menstruation is not suitable for the abdominal lymphatic massage. 
2 skin surface wounds, such as the wound after the surgery, vein inflammation and eczema, skin inflammation sites, can not do lymphatic massage. 
3 within 2 hours after a meal or drink should not be doing lymphatic massage. 
4 lymphatic massage will speed up the metabolism of water, be sure to add enough water after the massage ended.